“You still at it?” he asked of Lessy, who was noisily puttering about the kitchen. She shook her head and smiled at him warmly. “I’m just getting a little ahead for tomorrow. Mammy’s already gone to bed, and I was really waiting up for you.” Clearing his throat uncomfortably, Vass cast a nervous glance toward the bedroom Lessy shared with her mother. Being alone with her was surely asking for trouble. “You want to go walking out?” The question was asked almost incredulously. Everybody on the farm had been working almost nonstop since daybreak, and the whole crew was bone tired. If Vass didn’t go to sleep now, he wouldn’t be able to rise until noon tomorrow. “Oh no,” Lessy assured him quickly. “I know you’re tired, and... well, the barnyard and the orchard don’t seem quite our own with the hay crew staying there.” Vass nodded in agreement.