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Read Marrying Daisy Bellamy (2011)

Marrying Daisy Bellamy (2011)

Online Book

4.12 of 5 Votes: 5
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0778329259 (ISBN13: 9780778329251)

Marrying Daisy Bellamy (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

This is my first book from Susan Wiggs, so it is basically a standalone novel for me. I liked the character of Daisy - she is smart, she longs for a stable life and she makes stupid mistake. She is like the kind of people we know, which is why it made this book so readable. Yet, I wished for more stories on Julian. I feel that the book rushed through her relationship with Julian, and same goes for Logan. There was just so much I wished the story could explore - on Daisy's love for Julian and her relationship with Logan, yet every time when I thought the story would continue, it ended abruptly. But one thing I do like about the story is Charlie. He is just so adorable!!! His relationship with Logan, Julian and Daisy is the one thing that made me continue reading the book (and of course, to know who will marry Daisy at the end). But well, overall this is quite a nice book. Believable characters, real life situations, cute guy (Julian) and very adorable kid! I am just not sure if I am up for another book by Suan Wiggs just yet. Stating upfront I am not a fan of love triangles and Ms. Wiggs has written several in her Lakeshore series.I knew going in of Daisy's situation with the men in her life. I grew tired of her whining and her pity parties. Lets be real, she had a trust fund and a wealthy family to fall back on if things got really bad. A lot of her problems were self imposed. The book was predictable. I almost wish a third man had appeared and won her heart. Daisy and Julian really never had a true relationship. No dating, very little romance even when they became adults. I think I felt worse for Logan than anyone else. He made more sacrifices than the rest. Please, no more love triangles. I still want to read the next book because I love this series overall.

What do You think about Marrying Daisy Bellamy (2011)?

liked it enough that i would like to read other books in series

Beautiful. I hope I fall in love one day.

Great read

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