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Read Marvin Redpost: Why Pick On Me? (1993)

Marvin Redpost: Why Pick on Me? (1993)

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0679819479 (ISBN13: 9780679819479)
random house books for young readers

Marvin Redpost: Why Pick On Me? (1993) - Plot & Excerpts

Newbery Medal winner Louis Sachar’s Marvin Redpost series of beginning chapter books are chock-full of the silly humor that children enjoy from his other Wayside School series. Marvin inadvertently gets on bully Clarence’s bad side and Clarence accuses Marvin of being a nose-picker. The more Marvin denies the designation, the more his classmates ostracize him until even his two best friends no longer associate with him for fear of being lumped into nose-picker category and the social outcast status that came with it. With help from his family, Marvin uses a class survey assignment to put the question of whether they had picked their noses to his classmates, principal, and teacher and turns the table on his tormentor.The illustrations in Why Pick On Me? are strong and capture the action as well as the emotion of the book’s characters. Sachar comments in the About the Author page that he carried out his own survey in classrooms for the title of this book, which demonstrates beyond the text itself the connection he has to his audience of readers. Being on the receiving end of teasing, Marvin is a protagonist that many young readers can identify with and the constant talk of boogers and the ensuing humor will appeal to a wide range of readers as well.

If you enjoy the Marvin Redpost series, you will like this one too.Bullying is one of the most popular themes in coming-of-age literature at all times. Marvin was said to be a nose-picker in class. In other words, he was somewhat verbally abused. He felt discontented about the fact that his classmates called him names. There's rumours around. The harder he tried to deny it, the least his friends believed him. In the end, he figured out a way to silence the school bullies.The book doesn't hold any deep discussion on bullying, but is a light-hearted read. If one likes the Marvin Redpost series, he may like this one too. I give the book three stars out of five.

What do You think about Marvin Redpost: Why Pick On Me? (1993)?

In this book, Marvin, a third grader, is wrongly accused of picking his nose. He goes around telling everyone he doesn’t pick his nose which just makes people think he’s even grosser. Everyone then avoids him, including his best friends. For social studies everyone has to come up with a survey question, and Marvin’s disgust everyone. One theme I picked up from this book is that none of us are as perfect as we may try to act and everyone is human and has weird habits. This can teach elementary students the effects of bullying as well.
—Michelle Ault

I recently finished reading Why pick on me by:Louis Sachar. I really like this book because it shows that you shouldn't pick on others if you do it. I also like this book because at the end he figures out that all the kids that make fun of him pick there nose. This book is about Marvin Redpost and how he gets picked on until his parents sit down with him and explain how most people in his class do embarrassing things that they don't share. One thing I don't like about the book is that there is a bully named Clarence and he makes fun of Marvin everyday. This book reminds me of Harry Potter because there is someone mean named Moufoi and he's really mean. I can relate this book to my life because my brother picks on me a lot. You should read this book!!!
—Reed S

11/8=15min , 11/9=15min, 11/10=15min, 11/12=15min,Seven words: pick - nose- game- tough- tease- friend- survey Discussion Question: Q1: Do you have a best friend?A1: Yes. He had been same school with me from elementary school to high school. Moreover, we belonged to baseball club together. We hanged out a lot and sometimes helped each other.Q2: Main character was bullied because he was picking him nose. Have you ever picked your nose?A2: Yes. When I was three or four years old, I had done. Comments: I like this series. Because of my interest, I bought this book by myself.
—Shuhei Ota

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