Much to Maryn’s surprise and dismay, Jesslyn MacCreary and her son journeyed with them as well, deepening Maryn’s doubts regarding her husband’s feelings for the widow. An hour into the journey, Alleck asked to ride with the soldiers that traveled a bit behind them and Daniel approved the request, leaving Jesslyn to ride with Daniel and Maryn in front, behind the scouts. ‘Twas not long before the two friends began speaking of past events and other things that Maryn knew naught about. After a time, she slowed her pace and allowed Daniel and Jesslyn to drift ahead of her as she brooded further on the nature of the bond the two shared. Was it love or only friendship he felt for the widow? By his behavior, she knew not. For, if ‘twas not love he harbored for the lady, why, then, now was he paying no heed to his wife? Maryn’s brow furrowed as she worried her lip with her teeth. But if ‘twas love he harbored for the lady Jesslyn, why, then, upon waking, would he have kissed her own mouth for such long minutes?
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