After we explained the circumstances of her attack and what had led up to it, he suggested she refrain from any undue stress in the future. That statement, added to everything else that was building up in me since Jonathan was shot, put my anger level at an all-time high. Stress was a hard thing to control. I, of all people, knew that firsthand. Anger, stress and ignorant people (who make stupid remarks) were some things I had a hard time dealing with. I just let his comment roll off me. I figured he meant well. They inserted a stent to open one of Mom’s arteries, allowing a better flow of blood to the heart. She was released from the hospital two days later. She joked about the surgery when she got home, saying she was as good as new. She had clear arteries now. I didn’t find it the least bit funny, but I didn’t say a word, because I knew it was her way of dealing with what had happened. After a delicious Sunday dinner cooked by Claire and Billy, we all sat around in the family room discussing what to do next.