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Read Midnight Flight (2003)

Midnight Flight (2003)

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3.89 of 5 Votes: 3
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0743428684 (ISBN13: 9780743428682)
pocket books

Midnight Flight (2003) - Plot & Excerpts

The WTF Factory was operating at maximum capacity when this baby got churned out of the bullshit mill.Oh. My. God. This book. This book is probably one of the worst books I have ever read in my entire life.FYI: I used to think I hated V.C. Andrews. It turns out I haven't read any of 'her' books; all the ones I have read are by a ghost-writer named Andrew Niederman. Apparently, the way you can tell is that the VC books say (c) VC, and the Niederman books say (c) VC estate. Or something like that. Because Niederman is the guy the Andrews family hired to continue her modern gothic cash-cow legacy. Only he sucks at it. And the sucking only gets worse as the books continue to be churned out of the WTF Factory.Is Broken Wings right for you? Probably not. But just in case, take a look at these handy questions.1. Do you like pedophilia?2. Do you like ambiguously lesbian characters who seem to also be pedophiles?3. Do you like seeing teenage girls being forced to wear diapers?4. Do you like seeing teenage girls being publicly spanked?5. Do you think the idea of an evil boarding school in the middle of the Plot Bunny Desert sounds like a ripping good read?6. Does bad writing NOT bother you?7. Do you have damage in the area of your brain responsible for discerning good taste?If you answered 'YES' to most of these questions, Broken Wings is right up your alley.If you answered 'NO' to most of these questions, this book is not for you and you should chuck it into the nearest incendiary device immediately.I would give this negative stars if I could.

Some spoilers on the reviewI've read one serie of books by the real V.C. Andrews when I was a teenager, and I've really liked it. I don't knonw if this series doesn't give justice for the real V.C. Andrews or if at the time I wasn't judged very well the books. I know that I disliked Broken Wings, both one and two. First the books don't seem very well written. Second the storys aren't good. First one seems almost one story recounted free times. It is like playing a dungeon in videogame. First you do it in normal, than in hard and them in epic. But it is the same dungeon. Second I thought that the description of the girls and their mothers were not very logical. The worst for me was the first girl and her mother. How it comes that at the end of the second book all is good between them, the girl just wanted to be like her mother??? I could understand that they became attached, ot that the girl just wanted to be like her mother... And when did the girls become such great friends?! It was from night to day?Well if I didn't like the first one very much, the second seemed to me that a completely crazy one. The only thing i can say the book was good, and it was because of that i gave 2 stars and not only one, is that eventhought i wasn't enjoying very much the book, I wanted to finish it and see what would happen to the girls. It is like a bad song that you keep singing. Yeah, it is bad. But it can keep you reading.

What do You think about Midnight Flight (2003)?

Obviously, you're NOT a fan of V.C. Andrews if you found this book "unappealing on all levels". Yes, it seemed a bit different from Andrews' usual novels, but every author deserves to try and discover something new and different! Just accept the new difference!
—Bark's Book Nonsense

This book continues the lives of three girls who couldn't stay out of trouble, Teal, Robin, and Phoebe. The girls are sent to the "school" that is supposed to help reform them instead of going to jail. The head of the school, Dr. Foreman, along with three "buddies" make sure rules are obeyed and basically keep the girls' lives miserable. One wrong move and you could be bitten by a snake or scorpion; or sent to the ice house, where virtual reality will make you experience your greatest fears. Teal and Phoebe even experience sleeping in a closed coffin. The girls do eventually go back to their homes. This time in their lives will be a part of them forever, especially their lasting friendship.
—Anne Marie

I first read this book when I was in high school. It was one of my aunt's books that she lent me back then. I really loved the book after reading it back then and after reading it for a second time, nothing much has changed in my appreciation of the book. I think I even appreciate it more now after I have undergone a course in General Psychology because I now understand more why Dr. Foreman has been doing what she has been doing do her "students", and the fact that she is a believer in Behaviorism (someone who believes that people can be shaped and molded according to the behaviorist's liking by using the theories of B.F. Skinner, John Watson and other behaviorists).What I liked:1) Dr. Foreman's ways on how to straighten out her girls2) the plot. I haven't read the first book of the series so I actually don't know the details why the three girls did their crimes3) the fact that the three girls actually ended up as best friends after what happened to them in Dr. Foreman's schoolWhat I didn't like:1) Phoebe was the only one narrating. It would have been better if it was not only Phoebe who was narrating, what I'm saying is that maybe if the three of them had taken turns to narrate a part of their stay in Dr. Foreman's school.2) The epilogue. For me, the letters were not effective, it would have been more effective if it was narrated by each of the girls.
—Viviene S.

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