Mission Happy (A Texas Desires Novel Book 3) - Plot & Excerpts
His eyes moved to Julie’s profile about every twenty seconds, but he couldn’t help it. He was so in love, so insecure about that, and so caveman in his instincts toward her that he constantly had to talk himself down from ripping off his shirt, pounding his chest right in her face, then dragging her out of there by the hair just to make sure she understood exactly where she belonged. Shit. Damn. Fuck. What the hell was wrong with him? He’d never had all these primal urges, but he’d also never been in love before… With the 2015 Hot 100, top of the list female… Per Maxim. Fuck his life. Reed, Cole, and Ty took the three other seats surrounding their table with Julie, Lara, and Kenzie at another small table right beside them. They were at Cole’s new favorite restaurant but having arrived a good thirty minutes early for their reservation, the restaurant wasn’t quite ready to seat them. Since then, both Ty and Julie had posed for dozens of pictures, signed just as many autographs, and put the place in a full tizzy, which had made their wait that much longer.
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