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Read Misty Lake: Book One In The Misty Lake Series

Misty Lake: Book One in the Misty Lake Series

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Misty Lake: Book One In The Misty Lake Series - Plot & Excerpts

She and Susan had settled into a routine sharing household duties, finding time to have fun together, and knowing when to stay out of the other’s way. Susan had taken a part-time job at It’s a Lake Thing, the home décor and gift shop in town. When Sam had questioned her on why she hadn’t looked for something more along the lines of what she had been doing in Chicago, Susan had shrugged saying for now, she just wanted something fun. Sam had swallowed her opinions and let it go.
    Classes with her students couldn’t be going better. The kids were completing their projects and gaining confidence in their abilities by the day. A couple, who had already finished, were working on picture frames and learning how to use a mitre box. Sam was proud of them all.
    She and Jake were dating. The thought still made her a little giddy and she felt like a teenager as she skipped through the yard with Rigi at her heels. They had gone to a movie, had dinner at For Heaven’s Steak with Joe and Karen, took in a Misty Lake Renegades baseball game, spent a Saturday shopping for groceries and making their own dinner, and even attended an informal class reunion with some of Jake’s high school friends.

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