These days it was more of a cross between a human carnival and a renaissance fair. The vendors were set up around the stadium calling out offers to entice the crowds into buying anything from food and clothing to weapons and body armor. Some of their stands were elaborately done up with brightly colored banners and polished wooden surfaces while others were simply a few pieces of unfinished wood thrown together to form a display table, three walls and a roof to protect the merchandise from the elements. I knew from experience that more often than not, the best deals were found where the vendors spent less money drawing the eyes of their buyers and more money on the quality of their products. We strolled along scanning the items for sale, stopping now and then to watch impromptu magic shows, arm wrestling matches and other physical displays of strength and skill. This was where the younger sorcerers could show off and wow the masses without the pressure of being pitted against each other like me and the other veteran sorcerers would be over the next few days.