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Read Molly Moon's Incredible Book Of Hypnotism (2004)

Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism (2004)

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0060514094 (ISBN13: 9780060514099)

Molly Moon's Incredible Book Of Hypnotism (2004) - Plot & Excerpts

You are about to depart on an Incredible journey call Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism this book has Incredible journey why because she is a slow dog and even can't not run.When Molly have a fake flu her mom put out the thermometer then she look at the thermometer she said you have one hundred and three degrees but Molly did't have one hundred and three degrees she put the thermometer in a hot!!! pot of water.her mom said that she have to make a lot of chicken soap but Molly hates chicken soap why one day when she have a real flu she throw up.***Spoiler Alert*** did you know that molly likes cookies she eat's a lot of cookie even she eat's a lot of candy one day she hide her candy by the T.V. Molly was at her house in her bed. But she was lucky because her mom didn't see the whole pack of candy and one day she throw up.I was surprised when her mom said that are you telling the truth molly was scare because molly think that her mom know that molly was lie to her mom but she didn't said nothing but her mom said that she have to stay home for the whole week but even mom said that she have to eat a lot of chicken soap for the whole week.I chose person vs person because when her telling to molly that she telling the truth she didn't said nothing but she was lucky because molly forgets that she put the hot!!! pot of water under the bed but It was not there molly was scared that she thinks that her mom finds out that her mom see the Hot!!! pot of water.The Them of the book is when molly was scared about the hot!!! pot of water she didn't know that the hot pot of water wasn't there under her bed now molly getting more scared.***Analysis sentences starter is My favorite part is when molly sleep on Miss Adderstone bed.Suddenly Molly though of the best thing she could do for Petula .She would put her off the chocolate cookies that Miss Adderstone constantly fed her.Petula ate the cookie out of habit and greed ,not realizing they were making her fell ill and bad-tempered .Molly reached in her pocket for her half-used ketchup packet.Petula looked up at the girls in front of her, who was the nicest , most sympathetic person she'd ever met.The girls was holding one of her chocolate cookie and squirting disgusting all over it. Something red. Petula knew it must be revolting because the girls was making horrid faces at the red stuff. The cookie seemed very unappetizing now. so Molly thinks that was her bed but she was wrong even she like chocolate cookie she thinks she eat everything but she was Petula eat the whole chocolate cookie.The scale of the book is five stars because this book was the best and incredible book why because when Molly has the fake flu and molly lie to her mom and molly hide the hot !!! pot of water and when molly thinks she will eat the whole chocolate cookie but she was wrong Petule eat the whole chocolate cookie.I will recommend this book to my E.L.A teachers because this book has the power of this book this book have a lot of incredible journey and funny parts of this book.This was the best ending book ever because molly always eat candy and chocolate cookie even she she never run even roll over this was the funny part when Molly hide the pack of candy by her under bed even she hide the hot!!!pot of water under the bed too.

Molly nu-și cunoscuse niciodată părinții și locuia la Căminul Hardwick împreună cu alți copii abandonați. Aceasta nu avea prea mulți prieteni și era mereu pedepsită pentru cele mai mici chestii.Într-o zi, Molly descoperă o carte despre hipnotism la biblioteca din Briersville și învață tehnicile scrise de către Doctorul Logan.Ceea ce nu știe Molly e că un alt bărbat, un așa-zis profesor Nockman, își dorea cu disperare cartea pentru a-și duce la împlinire scopul și de a se îmbogăți.Molly își folosește în special ochii ei verzi, mari și bulbucați pentru a hipnotiza oamenii și așa ajunge să câștige cele 3 000 de lire oferite ca premiu la concursul de talente din Briersville și pleacă la New York pentru a-și căuta prietenul, Rocky, ce fusese adoptat de curând.Molly fură rolul unei alte tinere vedere dintr-un show numit Stele pe Marte, iar ea împreună cu Petula, câinele ei, devin super faimoase și bogate.Nockman o găsește și o fură pe Petula ca motiv de șantaj pentru ca Molly să jefuiască o bancă pentru el.Molly e demoralizată și își dă seama că famima și banii și reclamele Qube nu aduc fericirea și nimic altceva nu contează dacă nu ai prieteni sau familie.Aceasta se reîntâlnește cu Rocky care îi spune că și el a învățat să hipnotizeze din carte, dar că nu-și poate folosi decât vocea pentru a face asta.Cei doi pun la cale un plan pentru a contracara șantajul lui Nockman și funcționează în întregime iar toate bijuteriile găsite în seife ajung în camionul lui. Când acesta dorește să părăsească statul își pornește radioul iar o casetă înregistrată de cei doi copii reușește să-l hipnotizeze și să-l transforme în sclavul lor.Cei doi înapoiază tot ce a fost furat și decid să nu mai folosească hipnoza din cauza consecințelor sale distructive.Ajungând înapoi la orfelinat, împreună cu Nockman, care între timp devenise bun, aceștia găsesc copiii aproape morți de foame, locuind singuri într-o clădire mizerabilă.Împreună repară lucrurile și totul revine la normal iar Molly află că bibliotecara a fost cea care a hipnotizat-o cu trei săptămâni în urmă pentru a avea parte de aventurile vieții ei.Cartea este absolut briliantă, povestea în sine este hipnotizantă... aceasta este adevărata carte "how to". Totul este incredibil de real, deși nici măcar Briersville sau Dr. Logan nu există cu adevărat.Te face să implori pentru mai mult. Trebuie citită și nu comentată după descriere ca să poată fi savurată genialitatea ei.

What do You think about Molly Moon's Incredible Book Of Hypnotism (2004)?

Molly Moon’s Incredible Book of Hypnotism by Georgia Byng is a children’s book that breaks all the rules. When an agent or a publisher tells a writer that they cannot write about people smoking, or about children doing naughty things (like stealing and running away)…don’t listen to them, because this book has all these things and more.The author tells an interesting story about an orphan girl who finds an old book on Hypnotism in the local library. The girl’s name is Molly Moon and she discovers that if she puts the lessons from the book into action, she can literally get anything she wants. She uses this art to better herself, in quite a selfish way, and at the expense of others. However, all the “bad” things she does lead to a lesson to be learned and I felt the author tackled these issues quite well.The story is humorous, unusual and well written. It’s an adventure with loads of twists and turns, which are neatly brought together for a satisfactory ending.
—Karen Field

This book was really good. I couldn't put it down until I finished it. This book is about a girl named Molly Moon who lives in an orphanage. Her life isn't perfect; she lives in an orphanage filled with mean assistants & elders. As if her life wasn't bad enough, her best friend Rocky gets adopted in NYC without informing her. Her life starts to take on a twist when she finds a secret book about hypnotism. She hypnotizes everyone she comes across, and discovers she's a natural at it. Using her talent, she moves to NYC in search of her best friend. But there's someone else in search of the book; Professor Nockman. He is in search for Molly trying to retrieve the book. I felt that this book was filled with many well-made characters and a very good plot. There were many twists, and I wasn't expecting the ending. This book was very humorous and thrilling to read. In the end, Molly learns to appreciate everything she has and being herself, which I really like. This book was filled with humor, broken friendship, hardships, and magic.
—Jacky He

I gave this book a 5 star. I have 4 reasons for this. My first reason that I gave this book a 5 is because the cover is very cool. I like how the swirls behind the blue dog can turn into many colors. The next reason is because of the beginning. The beginning didn't start with an introduction to the main character. (I slowly figured it out.) It started with Molly taking a bath. You might think that taking a bath is a really normal, so what? But what I found interesting about the bath was that the

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