If you are a fan of Love Does by Bob Goff then this book is for you. It's all about becoming less so that others may be more and God can be glorified."Generous people don't speak about their generosity, but others do.""The more time you give to everything the less focused you are on what matters.""When you give your opportunities and energies to serve the calling of others, everyone wins."Definitely will be my top read this year and it is my first book read in 2014. In “More or less: choosing a lifestyle of excessive generosity,” Jeff Shinabarger asks readers to find out how much is “enough.” When he and his wife decided to see how long they could last without buying groceries, they went seven weeks on the contents of their freezer and pantry. A woman who decided to wear everything in her closer once went 156 days without wearing the same thing twice. The author suggests ways for readers to share there bounty with others.
LOVED the first few chapters but by middle of book it didn't feel worth finishing.
Life changing perspective.. Really great book!
All leaders in Africa should read this book.
Very good food for thought.
I really enjoyed this book