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Read Mounting Fears (2008)

Mounting Fears (2008)

Online Book

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0399155473 (ISBN13: 9780399155475)
Putnam Adult

Mounting Fears (2008) - Plot & Excerpts

I've read most of Stuart Woods' books, primarily in paper or electronic format, and have enjoyed them all. However, most of the Will Lee series has only been available in audiobook format from the online library I use. I still very much enjoyed this series until this particular audiobook edition read by Carrington MacDuffie. The earlier books in this series were narrated by gentlemen who did a very fine job with all the character voices, even the roles of the women. But this edition was almost painful to listen to, not because of the storyline, but because of the female narrator. The voice she used for the title character, Will Lee was atrocious in my opinion. She made Will sound like an old and slow-witted, deep-south, fuddy-duddy moron (and many other adjectives I don't even want to mention). Every time she spoke as his character I cringed at the portrayal. I could hardly get past that, and I found I wasn't liking the character anymore. I feel that I enjoyed the story much less than I otherwise would have. I was continuously distracted by Ms. MacDuffie's version of Will Lee. I did suffer through the book to the end but I came away wondering how she was chosen to narrate this book once a sampling of Will Lee's voice left her lips, especially after the very good job that Barret Whitener and James Daniels did narrating earlier Will Lee versions. They managed to not butcher the female roles in the process either.But that's just me. I am a Stuart Woods fan but felt slightly disappointed by this book. It's not that there is anything specific to point out and say that I didn't like - perhaps there was "more" that could have happened to bring depth to the story. That being said, the more interesting aspects of the book were the side plot involving the search for a "missing" agent, and the deft way that President Will Lee faced the difficulties he encountered. Will Lee is a great character and I'd like to see more of him in future novels. However, I understand why Stuart Woods focuses his efforts on the Stone Barrington novels. There are few fictional characters that come close to Stone Barrington, in interest, or intelligence.

What do You think about Mounting Fears (2008)?

Not much of a plot. Too much trash.I don't recommend it.

Cant remember but its on my read list that I'm updating.

Very good book.

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