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Read Murder At The National Gallery (1997)

Murder at the National Gallery (1997)

Online Book

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0449219380 (ISBN13: 9780449219386)

Murder At The National Gallery (1997) - Plot & Excerpts

Hey y'all guess what a series based in DCI am finding that it is most helpful to read the copyright date before beginning the book because it helps me as a reader get a handle on the available technology. If the author has a sidekick accessing a phone in the car and the book was published in the late 90s, you can bet the speaker is talking on a big ol' brick and the author had no way of knowing you'd be envisioning an iPhone.I've read a couple of books in this series so far, absolutely out of order. They are short enough to make good bedtime reading a few nights in a row.

Murder at the National Gallery has been my back-up book Since May 2nd. During that four months I finished 20 other books and gave up on four. It is time to give up on this one. For awhile it seemed to have enough promise that I kept it on my bedside table and read it when I ran out of other books. You'd expect that at some point what appears to be a tense mystery would pull me in. Usually I read a mystery in a a day or two. With this one I didn't care about the characters and (at least in the first half) there wasn't much of a mystery. Don't waste your time on this one.

What do You think about Murder At The National Gallery (1997)?

This was definitely a good read. I did enjoy reading about all of the attempts to steal that one elusive and recently discovered Caravaggio painting. I felt there were some quite tragic endings for those characters that were involved with the theft of such an exquisite work of art. Margaret Truman helped reinforce why I do enjoy reading thrilling Murder mysteries...that is, when I am in the mood to read them. Even though, I do believe her novels are mostly considered Crime novels, I consider Murder mysteries and Crime novels to be related to one another in genre.
—Taffey Champion

This book from Margaret Truman's "Capital Crimes" series set in Washington D.C. takes readers into the National Gallery and the nuances of international art theft. The central event involves _Grottesca_, a painting by the Renaissance master Michelangelo Merisi Caravaggio, and Luther Mason, a curator and Caravaggio expert working at the National Gallery. Mason's obsession with the painting leads to his untimely death and an adventure for Annabel Reed-Smith assisted by her lawyer husband Mac, both of whom figure prominently in many of the books in Truman's series.
—Peggy Huey

What a relief after the horribly written and worse read Murder at the Opera. But we had miles to drive on our trip home and little else to listen to, so we started MatNG and it was a good move. This is another Mac and Annabel caper, although they are minor characters this time. Luther Mason, curator of the National Gallery and preeminent Caravaggio expert, can't resist taking a long-lost masterpiece for himself and returning a forgery to Italy plus selling a second copy to an unscrupulous are collector. But nothing is that neat or simple in this saga.

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