Murder Path (Fallen Angels Book 3) - Plot & Excerpts
Chance has saved his life, this time. I thump the seat belt button, loosening the strap, and fling it off my chest. In the same movement I grab the door handle and thrust the door open, twisting my body out of the car and onto the road. I sprint around to the front of the vehicle, my fist balling and my arm rising as I close in on Adam, the furnace of fury in my furore exacerbated by the sardonic smile on Adam’s lips. ‘What fucking part of this are you finding funny!’ I scream as my fist flies through the air, in a line for Adam’s left cheek. Adam simply sidesteps my oncoming appendage, and watches on in obvious amusement as I fall to the road in an ungainly heap. My exposed palms rake along the uncompromising tarmac, ripping the skin from them and leaving a trail of blood on the road. Adam walks past me, looking down at me humorously and heads towards the entrance to the Chillingham Estate. ‘I would get up off the road if I were you and get your car pulled into the side. There’s bound to be a car along any minute and I would hate it to go into the back of yours and injure Jacob. Hurry John, we don’t have much time.’ Adam relays, matter of factly as he heads off down the side road, and walks up to a wooden fence separating the road from the fields, where a few dozen white cattle are grazing.
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