Plot: The starship Persephone has been taken over by Mutineers, and the loyal crew was stuck on the life boat and left. The Captain, instead of going to the nearly planet with the lifeboat and calling for help, goes far afield to a pre-tech culture to try to get back to Guild space and catch the mutineers before the sell the ship for a good 'ole fashion binge.One of the mutineers figures it out and follows them.. the planet they find is you basic 'Amazon women in charge' type, with the men all being very short and essentially breeding stock. The loyal crew tries to save them while the bad guys try to take the end, it turns out to be pretty much a male fantasy fufillment... the loyal crew end up in charge of a planet full of women, who are demanding they take multiple wives to 'refresh the species'. Yeah.Analysis: This could easily have been made into a cheesy 60s movie that would get the MS3K treatment... a fun read, but nothing redeeming or complex about it. At least the women were reasonably intelligent and strong, rather than being confused damsels in distress (though they came close to that in the end).... it's a SLIGHTLY less misogynistic that the average.