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Read My Fair Temptress (2007)

My Fair Temptress (2007)

Online Book

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0061259489 (ISBN13: 9780061259487)

My Fair Temptress (2007) - Plot & Excerpts

This story moves away from the Russians as the primary protagonist to a small country that France want to absorb, Moricadia. The story is one of revenge and the search for justice for the killing of a beloved brother. Jude, Earl of Huntington, has dedicated himself to bringing the people that kill and burned his brother to justice. He of course blames himself because he wasn't there to save Michael. There are some very funny moments in this story were Jude is trying to be a dandy and dilettante when he is anything but those types. He does a good job of acting the part though. Jude also is a very kind and compassionate man which is surprising for this time period. He endeared himself to me for wanting to stand up for Caroline and for helping not just her but his stepmother as well. Any man that so obviously loves his stepmother cannot be all bad. Jude is also a warrior and a scholar just adding to his appeal. There are times through the story that you long for him to find peace from the death of his brother because we know that revenge won’t take the hurt away. I think that he does a good job of being a spy.Caroline Ritter is a product of her upbringing as well as her time outside of the ton. She is a strong capable woman even though she doesn't see herself as such. She has survived on her own for four years taking whatever jobs she can find to support herself and save money so she and her sister can move to France. It is sad that she thinks that she thinks that her only skill is flirting. Caroline is an observer of the people around her. She is able to make everyone seem important and worthy. She is kind and generous and more than a little too trusting. That trust is what ruins her reputation. I was glad to see that she became confident enough to take down the woman that has made her life so miserable. Caroline is an intriguing character much like Celeste was I hope that we get to see more of her.As with all of Ms. Dodd's story there are all kinds of characters that make this story such a joy to read. The villains of the piece are given what they really deserve. I was surprised that the butler was caught in his abuse and dismissed. I had to cheer for Nicolette, Duchess of Nevet, for giving the man the boot. The Duke of Nevet was as arrogant as a aristocrat could be. The ladies that rally around Nicolette and Caroline are delightful. Caroline’s father is slime and I hope he dies a lonely man for his treatment of his daughters. I have to say that the love scenes, while not as steamy as some of the stories I have read, were hot and well written. This is story goes by pretty quickly and it leaves you wondering what happened to one of the characters. I am hoping we find the answer in the next book. This is a very good story and worthy of the series.

Christina Dodd My Fair TemptressI had just finished a paranormal romance and was looking for something more lite to read. I perused my Kindle and came upon one of my favorite authors, Christina Dodd, and found a book that I had not yet read, My Fair Temptress Book 7 in the governess bride series. WOW, what a great story, it is most definitely a must read. I devoured this book in one day; she pulls you into the characters so that you must see what’s going to happen next, I could not put it down. The hero Jude, the son of a Duke, appears to be a boorish fop. Then you have the destitute heroine, Caroline Ritter. I absolutely loved the story as the Duke is tired of his son not being wed, after having lost his oldest son, he is insisting Jude get married and give him an heir. The Duke comes up with a plan and hires Miss Caroline to be his son's governess to teach him how to flirt, and be more acceptable in society. The story that unfolds is hysterical,sad and thrilling. It is filled with intrigue and romance and will keep you enthralled as you laugh at Jude, and cheer Caroline for her courage and determination. The ending made me run to MS Dodd’s website to see if she had made a sequel, but alas she has not. I must see this continued, does Jude go off to rescue his brother? Will Caroline help him, what sex will their baby be? MS Dodd leaves you hanging and wanting more of their lives. Please Christina, tell me there will be a sequel! I give this 5 stars a must read.

What do You think about My Fair Temptress (2007)?

Sometimes when you read historical fiction or any romance really one needs to suspend reality. To read My Fair Temptress as long as you let that go you will have a rather enjoyable story about Caroline and Jude falling in love.The reason why you have to suspend belief is that the premise does not make sense. A Duke is concerned about his son not having a wife so he hires a woman that will teach him to flirt? Ok then the son, Jude, is a spy out for revenge chooses to act like an idiot, why he has to be an effeminate one was beyond me. Last but not least the woman, Caroline, has been compromised and then became a social outcast, ok that part is believable but the fact that she who has been scandalized becomes a distinguished governess for her ability to flirt takes things a bit far.All that said as long as you can suspend reality Dodd writes a great story. I thought it was well paced and did not lag in the middle. It had enough action to keep me interested, I read in the space of a few hours, and honestly I found the romance to be rather rewarding if you will. I really like the descriptions and the characters. Yes it is a weak plot but the rest was quite good. I did not realize this was part of a larger series until I went to post this review, so obviously I was able to follow along quite well. I would recommend this one but if you are leery I would suggest borrowing from the local library.

In acest volum al seriei ,facem cunostinta cu Caroline Ritter care este plasata guvernanta in casa unui conte pentru a-l invta arta seductiei si a flirtului pe fiul acestuia Jude Durant. Poveste de dragoste este una cu un inceput ingenios , si inca o data Cristina Dodd, reuseste sa ma surprinda cu modul ei de a scrie. Mi-au placut mult personajele acestei povesti,situatiile create au fost amuzante si credibile,iar faptul ca Jude poza in pozitia unui firfizon francez a facut deliciul acestui volum. Nu au lipsit nici de aceasta data momentele tensionate si nici reteaua de spioni ai Angliei. Cred ca din toate volumele acestei serii (citite de mine pana acum)este cel mai reusit ,asa ca caord 4.5 stele. Abia astept sa citesc urmatorul volum , unde-l voi intalni pe Michael ,nimeni altul decat fratele lui Jude care se pare ca nu este mort ......cred ca o sa fie o lectura pe cinste.
—Serban Georgiana

Caroline Ritter and Jude Durant, the Earl of Huntington. She has no skills but gets hired by Jude's dad to teach him to flirt because since his return from his "grand tour", where his funloving brother and the heir Micheal was killed by some Moricadians who are plotting to turn England against France, he becomes a fop/dandy so it is her job to fix him and find him a wife as he is the new heir. Of course, these two fall in love and she sees through his silly facade and attire which is all an act

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