This story is about a young girl who is expressing all the different things she has learned from her surrounding "friends." She reveals that she learned to walk and jump from a cat and dog, and also learned to hide and explore from a rabbit and an ant. This book is translated in English and Spanish and can be used to teach reading fluency. The words "I learned to..from my friend.." are repeated in the text followed by a different thing she learned and a different friend. The students can use the pictures or context clues when reading if they come across an unknown word. This will help with their reading fluency and comprehension
This book is a great beginner book for children. There is simple vocab and a lot of repetition. It’s all about making friends and how they teach you to do different things. In the book the girl learns things from friends that are not always people—cats, monkeys, and dogs. At the end she says “I learned to love from a friend like you”, leaving you on a positive note. The book is written and illustrated on two pages at time, making it fun and easy for a younger reader to learn the words on their own. I would use this in my Pre-K classroom to make connection with students background knowledge in the class.
What do You think about My Friends/Mis Amigos (2006)?