When the light failed, and they were finally compelled to desist, all three were tired, discouraged and frustrated. ‘I cannot recall a time when this place was more popular,’ beamed Dean Talerand, when he came to lock the door after them. ‘No one had been in here for weeks before you arrived, but in the last three days alone, we have had Dalfeld, several vicars, Abbot Multone, Oustwyk, Prioress Alice and even Mayor Longton – and he cannot read!’ ‘Did they say what they wanted?’ asked Michael, immediately suspicious. Talerand waved a careless hand. ‘Oh, this and that. We have a lot of material here, as you know – leases, cartularies, papal bulls, land grants, rents, deeds and privileges, not to mention books.’ ‘Not very many books,’ said Bartholomew resentfully, recalling the riches he had been promised. It had not taken him long to learn that the minster’s collection comprised mostly obscure legal texts, and that the few medical tomes he had located were ones he had already read.