Hawkins walked behind him with his gun ready. Bauer was limping heavily and in some pain, Hawkins was prepared to cut him some slack for their slow progress. The Brits had not gone looking for Beach whom they had left behind at the junction. In the young Commando's eyes, he had forsaken them at their most desperate moment. There was no sense in carrying dead weight with them on this journey. Best to leave him to find his own path, Hawkins thought. Bauer had assured them that a vehicle lay abandoned but in good working order half a mile down the winding lane. It would always be hard to trust a German but Hawkins felt that his counterparts need was just as great as his. The allied soldiers at least for the moment did not seem to be the foremost protagonists on the German's minds. True to his word, in the darkness of the early hours of the morning, a German military general purpose vehicle sat motionless, two of its wheels sunk into the verge.