I changed the subject since I really didn’t want to think about Fes and Nancy Piznowski gettin’ busy. “I’ve been thinking about building some weapons that could take out a lot of zombies at once. Let’s swing by the library and look for information. God, I miss the internet.” After the loss of electricity we’d suffered a network outage in our area which nobody had been able to fix. “What have you got in mind?” “I saw a You Tube video where I guy demonstrated a homemade flamethrower. I don’t think it’d be that hard to build if we can find instructions. Fire might not kill them but it should damn sure slow them down.” “Sweet!” Fes laughed. A few articles from a science magazine and a hardware store visit later, Fes and I were in business, manufacturing our first flamethrower. PVC pipe served as the barrel with another piece for a tank. We welded the connectors and valves per the diagram, cemented the tube at both ends and threaded in hose then added a tire pressure valve to pressurize the tank.