Nicolas: Love Me Harder - Alien Paranormal Romance - Plot & Excerpts
All it took was one look at the faces waiting there to know they waited for them.Janis mumbled “hi” as she walked in, her arms wrapped around her body. The understanding of her physical condition was just beginning to hit her. How totally violated she’d been for so many years was making her want to rail against the military, the government, and anyone else who had been involved in it.The thoughts of all she’d missed in her life because she was a random target of an experiment designed to hurt a race, who as far as she could see, had never done anything to hurt humans were overwhelming her. The unhappy looks on the faces around her was enough to make her run for a bed to hide under.Nicolas looked around the room and stopped when his gaze met Aran’s. “What has happened?”Aran looked at Ash. “Tell them.”Ash stood looking uncomfortable.Janis eyed Ash. He was the redheaded brother. His hair always seemed out of place to her. It wasn’t just the hair, it was the eyes. No one ever commented on them, but they made her uneasy.
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