Other than discovering that Anson still lived with his folks, slept in the closet during thunderstorms, and liked to smell books in private, it went pretty well. The discussion with Ray was easily the best of the evening, mostly because we didn’t talk much. Instead, I insisted on him playing several songs for me on his guitar, which he happily retrieved from his room. He also talked about his love for music, songwriting, and the challenges of breaking into the music business. Cartwright didn’t seem overly happy that the conversation was actually normal, but considering I had actually returned from the bathroom and wasn’t putting anyone in danger, he kept quiet. After one final song from Ray, I stood and clapped (maybe a bit too enthusiastically), thinking the night was finally over. However, before we could leave the patio, Stone strolled out, a smug look on his face. I tensed. Stone clapped Ray on the shoulder.
What do You think about No Biz Like Showbiz (2014)?