No Corner To Hide (The Max Masterson Series Book 2) - Plot & Excerpts
Max continued talking, but his voice didn’t carry beyond the first few rows of the reserved section, where well-dressed dignitaries sat on paddedfolding chairs for which they had paid thousands of dollars to sit. The lights that provided the perfect ambiance for a presidential speech went out, too, along with every signal carried by a phone, TV camera, or wireless device. Immediately, Max, Scarlett, and Rachel were hustled into the waiting limousine. Armstrong barked orders to the driver as the security detail formed a protective cordon, guns drawn against an invisible enemy. “Get us out of here, now! Clear the road!” The turn of the key in the ignition was met only with a dull click. The driver muttered “Damn” and tried again. One more time. Another “Damn.” He turned to Armstrong and said, “Electronic ignition. It’s fried.” He paused as they stared at each other, incredulous. “Wish I was driving my old ’66 Mustang right now, that baby wouldn’t let me down,”
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