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Read No Greater Love (2007)

No Greater Love (2007)

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0440244048 (ISBN13: 9780440244042)

No Greater Love (2007) - Plot & Excerpts

No greater bookI have read many books by Danielle Steel but none have ever moved me the way this has. No greater love is a story about courage human endurance and most of all love. The book is based around the Winfield family and there tragic trip aboard the fated Titanic. The Winfield's have travelled to England in order to celebrate there eldest daughter's engagement to a young gentleman who is now accompanying them home to America onboard the Titanic for her maiden voyage. The tragedy unfolds as Titanic sinks and the family loose both parents and the daughter her fiance in the sinking. Upon being rescued Edwina takes on the huge task at just 19 years old of raising her 3 brothers and 2 sisters the youngest of which is just 2. Devoting her life to the children and mourning the Fiance and parents she lost her life is no longer her own. No greater love is a sad yet bittersweet look at what life was like for so many that lost loved ones the night Titanic went down. It is testimony to the strength people find out of tragedy and the way people adapt and grow despite suffering great loss. I give the book 5 stars because it is so.well written there are many books pertaining to Titanic and many love stories have been written surrounding her but very few touch the heart or speak to the soul the way this one does. This book brings tears to your eyes as you read it tears for all the lives that were lost and tears for Edwina and her family as they struggle to cope with the loss of their parents in very different ways. I strongly recommend that anyone who has an interest in Titanic reads this book or even just anyone who wants to read something that gives them hope as this book does exactly that.

1 STARS"It was the maiden voyage of the Titanic, the greatest ship ever built, and in one fatal, unforgettable night, the sea shattered the lives and future of an extraordinary family, the Winfields.Edwina Winfield, returning from her engagement trip to England with her fiance and her family, instantly loses her parents, the man she loved and her dreams. Without even time to mourn, she courageously defies convention to run her family's California newspaper and care for her five younger siblings. Unable to forget her fiance Charles, she is determined never to marry, to keep her family together, and to fight to survive as a woman alone. But Phillip, her beloved oldest brother, sets out for Harvard and tragically betrays her trust. Madcap brother George turns to the excitement of Hollywood during its magical days, not to the Winfield publishing empire. And lovely Alexis, who narrowly escaped death when the Titanic went down, grows into a troubled runaway whom even Edwina's love may not be able to save. The two youngest, Fannie and Teddy, remain with Edwina at home." (From Amazon)Originally when I read Danielle Steel novels I would have rated them 3-4 STARS, but now I would classify them as 1-2 STARS. These are great for those who like mild sex, unrealistic dramatic romances and grand plots.

What do You think about No Greater Love (2007)?

it is a good book.talks about 6kids that lost parents on a titanic.and the elder daughter lost a fiance as well.She had to be strong,give up some of the things to take care of her brothers and sisters.She had to run her fathers company in the hope that the elder son will graduate to come and run the company.Unfortunatly he died in a millitary war and they had to deal with another loss and @ the end she sold the company.It talks about the great love that this lady has for her siblings.She loved them so much as her own and...........i recomend it to every1.especially brothers and sisters that fight a lot, that dont get along.A brother or sisters love is the best u can ever get..............

This was a borrowed book from when I was begging for anything to read.I really enjoyed the love and togetherness of the six children. They truly love each other and would die for any one of their siblings.I was very interested during the first part of the book where she described their story of being aboard the Titanic and the sinking and how they coped without their parents. What lost me was when it started talking about the details of The Great War, but I've never been big on history. I became interested again once it started to focus back on live interests and the siblings interactions.I thought it ended rather suddenly considering the events that had transpired in the final month of the book. But I've learned that I like to know what happened after the book ended. This one didn't offer that.

Okay no one can say that this is not a good book! All her books are really good but they are just too dramatic and melancholic for me:( I have to give her a high rating though!I just prefer a book that would put me in a good mood at least by its end! I don't mind shedding some tears in books but in hers it is sobs!! Lol her books though masterfully written always leave me in a weepy mood :( I know that this means she's a great author and she really is ,to the extent that you feel you're living in the book but it's just too sad for my taste :( so if you don't mind reading books that you would finish a box of tissues while reading and most of the times it doesn't get better too then go ahead cause she is really a great author:)
—Yasmine Abed

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