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Read No Shelter From Darkness (2013)

No Shelter from Darkness (2013)

Online Book

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No Shelter From Darkness (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

Before Oliver was born, Lynne was the only anchor he had to the world everyone else believed to be real. It was yet another reason why she could never know the truth. In the past when sleep evaded him, Bill would turn and gaze upon his sleeping wife, admiring her peaceful slumbering and reminding himself how lucky he was to have her love.
    On this night, however, Lynne's peacefulness offered no soothing effect, and Bill was in no mood to count his blessings. Instead, he was left to stare into the infinity of the black ceiling above him. Even with his night eyes, the blackout blinds made the bedroom a black void. With no light, claustrophobia could grip the most fearless man. It was no wonder people were generally gloomier due to the restrictions. It sometimes felt like the daylight itself was rationed.
    Musings on the effect of light deprivation distracted him from what was keeping him wide awake. It had pushed his concern to the back of his mind, but the recognition of that relief brought the problem at hand rushing back to the fore.

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