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Read Noah's Boy-eARC

Noah's Boy-eARC

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Noah's Boy-eARC - Plot & Excerpts

She’d been expecting something bare, perhaps with bathroom facilities outside. She’d never seen much point in that sort of thing. As far as she was concerned, humans had spent thousands of years getting away from the icky and stinky parts of nature, and it would be an insult to their efforts for her to go back and live like a savage. She liked indoor bathrooms and heated showers.
But she hadn’t been counting on getting them this time, and she was half ready to rough it. After all, it might be a matter of life and death, both for herself and for Rafiel.
And she still couldn’t understand why she felt so comfortable driving through the night next to this heavily mangled man. He’d given her some instructions and then let her drive while he slept. He hadn’t been joking about the healing capacities of shifters.
She knew that she, herself, had always healed fast from the scrapes and hurts of childhood, but she’d never been as injured as Rafiel was. And she could see him healing before her eyes as he slept.

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