he asked.Hunter stared down the road. What he saw could only be a construction crew working on the highway. Two cars had lined up waiting to go forward. “Pull up in back of the car and go up and see what the problem is,” Hunter told Ho.The big Korean in his ill fitting army uniform parked and walked up to a flagman. Hunter could see what looked like a reworking of a short section of the roadway maybe forty yards long. It evidently had sunken away from water seepage. They had dug out the base and had dumped in new rock and sand, to create a new base for the black top to go on. The new section looked to be maybe six inches below where the old roadway must have been.There was no detour around the section. No place level enough on either side to accept a passenger car. As Hunter watched a big steam roller moved slowly up to the end of the fill, reversed and headed back the other way packing down the gravel and sand firmly.Ho came back shaking his head. “Told them we had to go now. They say two hours, then firm enough.