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Read O Amor Pode Esperar (2000)

O Amor Pode Esperar (2000)

Online Book

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8508064020 (ISBN13: 9788508064021)

O Amor Pode Esperar (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

Sharing Sam is a very sad love story about a complicated love triangle. Allision has fallen hard for mysterious bad boy Sam, but at the same time her bestfriend Izzy has fallen in love with him too. At first Sam shared the same feelings for Allison, but then everyone was in a shocker when Izzy finds out she only has a few months to live due to brain cancer. So Allison thinks up of a plan to make Izzy's last months happy.She begs Sam to go out with Izzy just to make her happy. Its a hard desision for both Sam and Allision but they get through. I really like this book because it was a sad lovestory, but Allison and Sam got to be together in the end but Izzy dies unfortunatly.I would recommend this book to people who like reading about love stories. This book was originally published in 1995 by Katherine Applegate (of Animorphs fame) and had one of those cheesy 90′s teen romance covers. Luckily, it was reprinted a few years ago, and the striking new cover caught my eye when I was doing returns at my library. All in all, I’m glad I decided to pick it up. This was a really quick read that I read in one day, and quite short, at 156 pages. Mostly, I thought it was a really sweet story about friendship and the lengths to which we would go for those we love the most in life. This really appealed to me as I am a total sucker for books about female friendships. And while I thought Alison was noble and compassionate, sometimes I was just plain frustrated: one, because she was lying to her best friend and two, because she loved Sam, he loved her, and it was sad to watch that forced into disintegration. While I felt heartbroken for Izzy and her terminal illness, it was kind of upsetting when he told Alison he was now in love with Izzy. I did not want Izzy to die, but you know it’s going to happen, so it seems that a lot of the story is waiting for the death in order to see what would become of Sam and Alison, once he can stop “pretending” to love Izzy.I did like this story, despite being frustrated by it at times (which I think is only natural and possibly intended), and only wish it had been longer so that it could have been developed even further. For instance, I would have liked to see the relationship through Izzy and Sam’s perspective, instead of solely through Alison’s, so that we could have seen what their “pretend” relationship was really like.

What do You think about O Amor Pode Esperar (2000)?

i read it ages ago!!i only remember that i kind of like it!!! :D:D:D

My all-time favorite from the series - loved it!

A great, GREAT book. :)

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