Power Orange Cat Publishing Chapter one The cell was too dark inside to be comfortable, and it reeked, like urine and less savory things. Desperation. Pran didn't want to admit it to the others with her, but she was all too familiar with the odor they were hit with. It was a thing from her own past that she tried to forget about even as things hit her. The huddled form at the back of the stone structure shuddered as the door opened, wincing away from them, clutching his arms to his body. The right one had clearly been badly broken and was hanging at a strange angle. To say that the man, the town butcher if she had it right, had been beaten was an understatement. He was still bleeding from it, if slowly, his face swollen and blue, even in the darkness of the space. Yes, he'd been hit and harmed, but it went beyond just that into being an attempt to kill him. That he wasn't truly dead yet was some kind of miracle. Guardian Clark loomed in the doorway, blocking her view, but after a second he stepped back, not moving toward the huddled shape.