Ollie the Stomper by Olivier Dunrea focuses on gossling Ollie who is obsessed with having boots, since Gossie and Gertie have them. Ollie stalks the two gosslings as they stomp around the barnyard. Finally, Ollie yells "I want Boots!" Gossie and Gertie each give Ollie one of their boots. Ollie proceeds to stomp around the barnyard, as they follow, until she announces "These boots are too hot!" All three gosslings kick off their boots and follow Ollie to swim in the pond.The text has lots of repetition and simple words. The small sized book is best shared one on one. Toddler and preschool behavior is clearly shown in the obsessiveness and following actions of Ollie.The illustrations are very cute and detailed. Animals illusrated include mole, mouse, pig and insects. For ages 1 to 4, beginner readers, read-aloud, geese, animals, farm themes and fans of Gossie and Gertie, Ollie and Olivier Dunrea.