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Read One Last Prowl: BBW Were Mountain Lion Shapeshifter Mail Order Bride Romance (Shifter Grove Brides Book 6)

One Last Prowl: BBW Were Mountain Lion Shapeshifter Mail Order Bride Romance (Shifter Grove Brides Book 6)

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One Last Prowl: BBW Were Mountain Lion Shapeshifter Mail Order Bride Romance (Shifter Grove Brides Book 6) - Plot & Excerpts

His lean, powerful body carried him through the brush effortlessly, his gait never wavering, not even when crossing fallen trees or ditches. Every muscle, every sense was honed to the task and he was stalking down his prey, bit by bit.It was dark now, the sun having set a few hours ago. They were well into the night and it was pitch black and cold around Austin. The only times that the dark green woods were illuminated were when Austin stepped into clearings, the light of the full moon bathing him. His mountain lion was getting restless. By all accounts, he should have found the boy in less than an hour, the scent trail being so fresh and Marcus having almost no lead on him. But within a couple hundred yards, Marcus’s scent changed and warped. It kept throwing Austin off his track, making him double back and recheck every once in a while and pick up a new underlying current he had mistaken for something else.He thought he knew what it was, what it meant. But that wouldn’t help him at the moment.

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