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Read Operation Stranglehold (1973)

Operation Stranglehold (1973)

Online Book

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F+W Media

Operation Stranglehold (1973) - Plot & Excerpts

Hazel exclaimed violently when I gave her the word that we’d be leaving Erikson behind in the morning. She was still wearing a rebozo and head scarf, and it was surprising how different she looked, despite her pale skin. “We can’t leave him here, Earl!”
“We can’t do anything else, baby,” I told her. “It’s his own idea.” She looked doubtful. “It really is.”
“But what will happen to him? Suppose someone finds him here?” She paused for a second. “Suppose nobody does find him?”
“It’s only the first day or two that we’ve got to worry about,” I tried to placate her. “When we reach Madrid, you’ll call Consuelo at Croswell Industries. I’ll give you a message for her brother, Julio, so he can find Karl and get him out of here. Legally or illegally, Julio will know how to handle it.”
She wasn’t satisfied, but she was intelligent enough to know it was the best we could do in the situation. “What about Lisa?” she wanted to know.
“We’ll try it as two couples,”

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