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Mauricio R B Campos
No part of this publication may be stored or reproduced by any means – whether tangible or intangible – without the written authorization by the author.
This is a fiction work. Names, characters, places and occurrences described are a product of the author’s imagination. Any similarity with real names, dates and occurrences are a mere coincidence.
Dedicated to the Japanese-Brazilian Cultural and Sportive Association of São Carlos, for their work and constant devotion to keep the Japanese culture and traditions alive in this city.
©Radu Razvan Gheorghe | Dreamstime Stock Photos OrigamiThe day parks But not the song of the larks.
Basho Keika went down the hill rushing. The living green still fostered by the dew shone under the clear blue sky. She brought a kerchief in her right hand and her left hand was trembling. When she got to the road bordered by a small wood, she headed to the parking lot.
All the love affairs of the world are our own ones, because we interpret all of them according to our experience.