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Read Our Occulted History: Do The Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens?

Our Occulted History: Do the Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens?

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William Morrow

Our Occulted History: Do The Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens? - Plot & Excerpts

—“IT AIN’T NECESSARILY SO,” PORGY AND BESS, LYRICS BY IRA GERSHWIN   FROM THE GEOLOGICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL DATA, IT WOULD seem that Earth has been home to several civilizations—human or otherwise—long before recorded history.
In a book little known in America entitled Gods of the New Millennium: Scientific Proof of Flesh & Blood Gods, British author Alan F. Alford wrote, “A shadowy pre-history seems to exist as a legacy in the form of stone, maps and mythology, which our 20th century technology has only just allowed us to recognize.”
Scholars have always faced at least two choices in dealing with ancient texts and legends—to either assume that the texts are allegorical fantasy or to take them literally. For too long, they wrote off the old stories as fables. But in the modern world, with recent advances in geology, archaeology, and even spaceflight, a whole new view of our past is taking shape, one that ties together the stories of our path to reveal an underlying truth about our heritage.

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