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Read Out Of My Later Years: The Scientist, Philosopher, And Man Portrayed Through His Own Words (2005)

Out of My Later Years: The Scientist, Philosopher, and Man Portrayed Through His Own Words (2005)

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0785820450 (ISBN13: 9780785820451)
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Out Of My Later Years: The Scientist, Philosopher, And Man Portrayed Through His Own Words (2005) - Plot & Excerpts

"Man owes his strength in the struggle for existence to the fact that he is a socially living animal" [pg.34.]"Reason, of course, is weak, when measured against its never-ending task. Weak, indeed, compared with the follies and passions of mankind, which, we must admit, almost entirely control our human destinies, in great things and small. Yet the works of the understanding outlast the noisy bustling generations and spread light and warmth across the centuries." [pg.219]"It is the goal of every activity of the intellect to convert a "miracle" into something which it has grasped" [pg.220]"Yet it is equally clear that knowledge does not open the door directly to what should be. One can have the clearest and most complete knowledge of what is, and yet not be able to deduct from that what should be the goal of our human aspirations. Objective knowledge provides us with powerful instruments for the achievements of certain ends, but the ultimate goal itself and the longing to reach it must come from another source. And it is hardly necessary to argue for the view that our existence and our activity acquire meaning only by the setting up of such a goal and of corresponding values. The knowledge of such a truth as such is wonderful, but it is so little capable of acting as a guide that it cannot prove even the justification and the value of the aspiration towards that very knowledge of truth. Here we face, therefore, the limits of the purely rational conception of our existence."[pg.22]"Everything is dominated by the cult of efficiency and of success and not by the value of things and men in relation to the moral ends of human society"[pg 18.]"Let us be tirelessly on guard, lest it be said later of the intellectual elite of this land: Timidly and without a struggle they surrendered the heritage handed down to them by their forefathers- a heritage of which they were not worthy."[pg.184]The intellect has a hard eye for methods and tools, but is blind to ends and values...the intellect can be the most powerful aid. The fruits of intellectual effort, together with the striving itself, in cooperation with the creative activity of the artist, lend content and meaning to life."[pg.260]

طبعاً، يصعُبُ الحديث عِندما يكُونُ عن شخصيَّة عظيمة مِثل العالِم والفيلسوف الكبير ألبرت آينشتاين.في هذا الكتاب تجَلَّى الجانِب الفلسفِي من آينشتاين، وهُوَ جانبٌ رائعٌ جداً وقد يخفى أيضاً على بعض المُعجّبين بآينشتاين العالِم صاحِب النسبيَّتَين.الكتاب بشكل عامّ جميل جدا، ولا يُمَلّ.وكي أكونَ صادِقاً، فقد ظللت مستمتعاً بالكتاب حتَّى آخر فصل. وعندما انتهيت من قراءة الفصل الأخير أصابتني صدمة عاطفية كبيرة! ونويت أن أعطي الكتاب نجمتين!! ولكن العقل المنطقي سيطر عليّ وأنا أكتب هذه المراجَعة وجَعَلني أغير رأيي!الفصل الأخير – الفصل الصادِم – يحتوي على مجموعة مقالات لآينشتاين يوضِّح فيها رأيه وموقفه من اليهود والصهيونية. والعجيب أنه يُبارك الصهيونية! ويخصص عنواناً كاملاً عنوانه "مدينون للصهيونية"!! وهذا شيء أزعجني جداً! فكلماتُه ورأيه بشكل ملخَّص هو أنهُ يرى أن الصهيونية هي حركة ممتازة أعطت اليهود حقوقهم بعد أن كانوا مظلومين في أوروبا! ويقترح السيد آينشتاين أن يتعايش اليهود مع العرب في فلسطين، ويدعو اليهود إلى عدم اللجوء إلى العُنف مع العرب الهَمَج!! شيء مضحِك مُبكي حقيقةً!! لم أكن أتوقَّع أن يكون آينشتاين بهذه العقلية الغريبة والعجيبة! بالفعل، العالِم الجيِّد ليس بالضرورة مفكِّر جيد!أنصحُ بهذا الكتاب لكُلّ أصدقائي القُرَّاء.هُو بالفِعل كتاب يستحق القراءة – رغم الكارثة الأخيرة!

What do You think about Out Of My Later Years: The Scientist, Philosopher, And Man Portrayed Through His Own Words (2005)?

Wow! Albert Einstein's essays on science, economics, society, people of great influence, and the Jewish people. Would have given the book five stars except for the essays on science, where my lack of knowledge caused by eyes to glaze over. The remaining essays are very enlightening, showing the great scope of Einstein's intellect. I found some of his social and economic essays utopian with his disregard to man's historical characteristics. Most of these essays were written from the late 30's to early 50's. Time has shown many of his predictions to be untrue.

"O milagre da VidaPode ser que um dia deixemos de nos falar... Mas, enquanto houver amizade, Faremos as pazes de novo. Pode ser que um dia o tempo passe... Mas, se a amizade permanecer, Um de outro se há-de lembrar. Pode ser que um dia nos afastemos... Mas, se formos amigos de verdade, A amizade nos reaproximará. Pode ser que um dia não mais existamos... Mas, se ainda sobrar amizade, Nasceremos de novo, um para o outro. Pode ser que um dia tudo acabe... Mas, com a amizade construiremos tudo novamente, Cada vez de forma diferente. Sendo único e inesquecível cada momento Que juntos viveremos e nos lembraremos para sempre. Há duas formas para viver a sua vida: Uma é acreditar que não existe milagre. A outra é acreditar que todas as coisas são um milagre". (Albert Einstein)
—Rosa Ramôa

I have read other books by Albert Einstein but in this particular book he reveals an intimate side of himself not found in other selections. He was aware of him impending death and wanted to share his thoughts and ideas on a multitude of subjects with anyone who cared to listen. This is an intimate look at a man through his work. I was amazed at his viewpoints on the educational system and urge every parent and educator, that if you read nothing else in your life, READ THIS SECTION! It will change the way you parent and educate your students.There are times in this book where it becomes overly dry and technical, especially when discussing his theory of relativity and other ultra-technical things but through it all, the book is readable and enjoyable and you will come out the other end more insightful and have a new appreciate for a man who was years ahead of his time.

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