Was the Highwayman, hero to the Métis and mystery man of legend, a bank robber and murderer?All the wonderful deeds she’d heard attributed to him would lead her to say – impossible! He only bent the law to ensure that justice was done for the Métis who were being treated as second- or even third-class citizens. Right?And didn’t the fact that Claude Remy had little problem bending the law of the land show that he had no scruples when it came to disobeying the rules? And wasn’t he strange and a little scary in the first place? And didn’t everything on her list overwhelmingly point to him being the Highwayman?But being the Highwayman didn’t automatically mean he was guilty of the robbery too.All this dithering was dismissed when she considered the biggest, most important part of this puzzle. Constable Dung. If ever there was a skunk that stunk, it was Cyrus Blake.The death of the guard was tragic and also very convenient for Blake. A little bell went off in her head. What if he’d driven off the robber and then decided to take the money for himself?