Fancy. These people probably hated Bay Fest and the hippies, hipsters, emos and urban types with their full beards, ray bans and skinny jeans that flocked to the area. They weren't even safe five miles away to drink champagne cocktails with breakfast at the five star restaurant in the Burlington Grand as the music acts being put up there were often more straggly and homeless–looking than their fans. Not Academy of Lies, but some of them. The Burlington Grand Hotel stood out like a beacon. It was atop the slow rise of a palm tree–lined street, with a backlit aqua logo on a gleaming white, window–filled building. Ty's current home away from home. Not too shabby. As we pulled into the parking lot, we sat in silence at the number of vehicles and people milling around the lot. "Well this is intense," Nikki said. “Agreed.” We rolled slowly by the media vans topped with satellite dishes and the makeup artists brushing powder onto music journalists' faces, their makeup kits propped onto the hood of the junker that sat beside them.
What do You think about Over It (The Kiss Off #2)?