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Read Pegasus: A Novel (2014)

Pegasus: A Novel (2014)

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0345530977 (ISBN13: 9780345530974)
Delacorte Press

Pegasus: A Novel (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Danielle Smith has written so many books, she has a set pattern of writing that she falls into. I found myself annoyed by the "She did this, she did that, then this happened" plot line. I would have enjoyed more character development, more care given in general to the story. The book felt very much "churned out" and makes me not want to bother with books from an author I used to enjoy very much. This book starts out in the mid to late 1930's in Germany where adult friends Alex and Nicholas lead the aristocratic life on beautiful horse farming estates. Alex breeds and trains the famous Lipizzaner Stallions for the Spanish Riding School in Vienna. Their lives are about to change in ways they can't imagine as Hitler comes to power.Nicholas gets a total shock when his father informs him that not only did Nicholas' mother NOT die in childbirth when he was born, but that she was also 1/2 Jewish which means that Nicholas and his sons also have Jewish blood in them and will soon be arrested and sent to a camp for undesirables. In order for Nicholas to immigrate to another country with his sons before this happens he needs to have someone on the other end sponsor him.His friend Alex writes to John Ringling North and offers to send his prize Lipizzaner Stallions to the circus if Ringling Circus will sponsor his friend Nicholas and let him immigrate to the United States which is what happens.I loved this story that goes through generations. It has been a long time since I've read a Danielle Steel novel and I had forgotten how immersed I get into these characters lives. 12/20 ★★★★★

What do You think about Pegasus: A Novel (2014)?

Interesting setting and characters. Not as repetitive as some have been. Enjoyed the story lines.

Another one of the author's "light reading" I always enjoy her and this time was no exception!

A fall asleep while reading book. Typical Danielle Steel story but a light read.

A little sad, but I enjoyed it.

Enjoyed the story.

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