Meski berdasarkan hari, review ini dijamin tidak menceritakan keseluruhan cerita di Buku Physik, hanya sedikit seru-seruan dan lucu-lucuan aja karena banyak tokoh yang unik dan lucu-lucu.Buku 3 Physik ini tidak terlalu seru, tidak banyak intrik. Tapi yang istimewa adalah Septimus belajar dan menelusuri rahasia kekuatan Alkemie dan Physik yang notabene kayak pelajaran ilmu kesehatan, jadi selain ahli sihir sepertinya anak ketujuh dari generasi ketujuh memang mempunyai banyak kelebihan, seperti dibuku ini, Septimus belajar ramu-ramuan untuk penyembuhan terhadap wabah penyakit yang melanda kerajaan, penawar racun bahkan ramuan menjadi immortal. Cool! Moon’s Day – Hari SeninGara-garanya Babenya Septimus, Silas Heap yang memang orangnya ceroboh membuka segel sebuah lukisan tua di loteng cuma karena mau main catur ma sahabatnya Gringe. Maka keluarlah hantu yang berada di lukisan tersebut beserta binatang piaraannya.Tir’s Day – Hari SelasaDan hantu itu adalah hantu Ratu Etheldredda, adalah Ratu gran-gran buyutnya Jenna. Tapi ni ratu jahat banget karena dia ingin menjadi ratu selamanya makanya dia berani membunuh keturunannya bahkan memanfaatkan anak laki-lakinya yang ahli alkemie. Dan binatang piaraannya itu adalah Aie-aie, namanya sih lucu, merupakan binatang berumur panjang, kayak tikus yang super gemuk dengan mata bulat tapi sekalinya menggigit langsung bisa membuat orang itu meracau sepanjang malam dan akhirnya mati. Dan memang Ratu Etheldredda ( boleh dibaca Etheldreadful, saking menakutkan dan awfulnya ) lebih menyayangi Aie-Aie daripada putra dan putrinya.Woden’s Day – Hari RaboeSnorri Snorrelssen ( ehhm nama yang lucu ) 13 tahun dan Ullr , merupakan tokoh baru juga dibuku ini, anak dari Pedagang Olaf Snorrelssen ( yang sudah menjadi hantu ) dan Alfrun ( nama ibu sekaligus nama kapal besarnya Snorri ). Suka banget ma Snorri yang memang cewek pemberani, berlayar mengarungi lautan dengan kapal Alfrun sendirian demi mencari ayah yang tiada kabar. Ohya yang istimewa mengenai Ullr adalah seekor kucing kecil berwarna jingga dengan ujung ekor berwarna hitam. Itu kalo pagi sampai siang, nah kalo malam Ullr berubah menjadi seekor macan kumbang berbulu licin berkilat, sehitam malam dengan mata hijau laut dan ujung ekor jingga. Seorang cewek dengan kapal besar dan macan kumbang. Keren kan?Thor’s Day – Hari KamisMarcellus Pye, Sang Alkemie dan ahli Physik yang membuat Marcia Overstraind Sang Penyihir Luar Biasa geram karena hampir kehilangan murid kesayangannya, Septimus.Freya’s Day – Hari DjoematKatanya sih pas planet pada berkondjoensi, tapi ada kejadian apa setiap hari Jumat ini, baca sendiri deh bukunya…hehehe. Yang jelas ada Kaca Waktu Sejati yang membuat Septimus sempat terperangkap di masa lalu. Dan Kaca ini milik Marcellus saat menjadi Alkemie.Loki’s Day – Hari SabtoeSebenarnya kalo dibandingin ama Domdaniel Sang Necromancer, Ratu Etheldreadful lebih galak dan kejam, tapi kenapa kerjaannya disini Cuma jalan-jalan naik kapal yah, Yang menakutkan malah kisah-kisah masa lalunya. Niat Utamanya juga serem sih, tapi gak keren ah.Sunn Day – Hari MinggoeAtau Hari Eqoeinox, artinya apa kurang ngerti juga sih. Tapi yang jelas kangen ma Kapal Naga, Keluarga Heap yang lain Si Kembar, dan Simon. Cerita disini berputar-putar di jebakan waktunya Marcellus. Dan yang kusayangkan adalah nasip Nicko ma Snorri…huhuhuhu.Semoga Queste dan Syren lebih seru ah.
This series is often compared to Harry Potter, but I think in many ways it’s much different. The only parallels that I see are that it involves a boy, who at one point is an orphan, and magic. Definitely written for a younger audience, the Septimus books have a tendency to be a little silly sometimes and the endings easily resolved. However, in contrast, Sage deftly creates an interesting world with often odd and humorous characters who have the ability to surprise the reader. The plot structures of each story vary, and, to any fantasy reader’s great joy, she doesn’t use the same antagonist throughout every single book. Some of the characters switch sides, and other, new bad guys emerge as the series progresses. Also, unlike many series writers, Sage will start a chain of events that last throughout several books, continuing to hook readers from book to book. She does not wrap everything up neatly, but is still able to finish a book in a way that makes the story seem complete. Then, the reader has the anticipation of discovering how some of the issues that arise in earlier books will unravel in later additions. Within this book specifically is a prime example of a complicated plot structure and set of characters that break the far too often tread mold of fantasy novels. The main bad guy is a Queen named Etheldredda, who is now a ghost attempting to live forever. However, another ‘bad guy’ of this book is her son, Marcellus Pye who kidnaps Septimus from 500 years in the past. However, in order to create three-dimensional characters, Marcellus is shown throughout the book to be kind and fiercely intelligent, winning Septimus’s admiration and trust even though he doesn’t want to be back in time. Far too often, the antagonists are simply evil and have nothing more to them. It certainly makes the reading more interesting when there are levels of good and evil, and not everyone has to be simply one or the other. Even Simon, who was the bad guy in the previous book, seems to be coming around because of Lucy’s influence. I recommend this to all readers 9+, skewing more toward boys.-Lindsey Miller,
What do You think about Physik (2007)?
You know, I hate book reviews. I always feel so inadequate when I like a book other people have panned, and although I don't know of anyone who has read this series and didn't like it at least somewhat, I still feel that my support of these books is on shaky ground. (insert slightly whiney voice here) But I really like these characters! And I really like the plots! And I really like the crazy narratorial style! We zoom around from person to person and it works for me, but then I'm always interested in what the other people in a story are thinking, and most of the time those feelings are only hinted at with shrugs, and sighs. This is also why I like the Bartimaeus Trilogy, and Artemis Fowl. But then maybe I like all these books because they are well written....and fun!
Reviewed by Me for TeensReadToo.comI have to state that it's taken me a very long time to write my review of PHYSIK, mostly because it took me such a very long time to finish the book. Although I absolutely loved MAGYK, and was nearly as impressed with FLYTE, it was much harder for me to get into the story of PHYSIK. I wasn't immediately struck by the newly introduced characters, and even some of my old favorites were, at first, acting quite different than they had originally. That being said, though, I'm glad I finally finished this third installment in the Septimus Heap saga, and can recommend it to others without feeling guilty. The story opens with Silas Heap, father of the Heap clan, unknowingly unleashing the ghost of Queen Etheldredda, a Castle Queen who ruled long ago. Along with her spirit is also released that of her pet Aie-Aie, a rat-dog-snake hybrid that is hideous to look upon. Although Silas and his companion, Gringe, aren't first aware of what has happened, they'll soon learn that the room they unlocked would have been better left alone. Nearly at the same time, Snorri Snorrelssen, a young North Trader, arrives at Sally Mullen's Tea and Ale House -- and can immediately sense that she's not welcome there, even if she can't understand the language that's being spoken. After weeks at sea, however, Snorri is not about to turn her back on her mission, that of following in the footsteps of her father. Back at the Palace, Septimus Heap is putting off his studies with ExtraOrdinary Wizard Marcia Overstrand, instead indulging in his new obsession of learning all there is to know about Alchemy. He wishes to learn under the famous Alchemyst Marcellus Pye, who just so happens to be the son of the dreaded Queen Etheldredda. All of the usual characters are back in this installment: Jenna, Nicko, Aunt Zelda, Spit Fyre, and Alther Mella, along with new ones like the above-mentioned Snorri and Marcellus Pye. Some of them act as they've always acted; some of them act in surprising ways. All of it leads up to a showdown of wits and talents and, of course, the next book in the series. As I said, I'm glad I finally finished reading PHYSIK, as I definitely plan to read QUESTE, the fourth book. Although some readers may have trouble in the beginning, as I did, once you get into the story of Septimus and family, you'll be quite enthralled until the very end.
—Jennifer Wardrip
Ok this is the 3rd book in the Septimus series and it hasnt dissapointed a bit. (Please do not compare it with Harry Potter as I have found lots of pple doing) I am nearly done with this book and cannot put it down once I start reading. It starts off with a mystery illness going round the castle. No one is allowd to go out after dark. A young girl (Snorri)who is a trader and seer (can see all ghosts wheather they want her to or not arrives at the port We also have Queen Etheldredda but 500 years in the past as the new Villan of the story, yes a real living Ethelredda.Sep goes on the search for a cure for the sikness, he actually jumps through a magic mirror into the past to find the magic cure. Queen Etheldredda drags Septimus (a few other characters try to rescue him, Jenna being one of them) 500 years into the past and traps them there. They now need to get back to their own time and stop Etheldredda from taking over the kingdom for ever before its too late.I like this book a lot because it has enough action in it to satisfy me without being too over the top and unbelievable, its not childish in anyway. This series is definatly not just for children to read I think that adults (me included) would enjoy the story just as much.Iam now waiting to start the next one after I have read two more books :-)