There are two full-length, life-size modern portraits of a young man and a young woman dressed as Henry IV and Matilda, Countess of Tuscany. HAROLD, LANDOLF, ORDULF, and BERTOLD—wearing the costumes of eleventh-century German knights—enter. LANDOLF Next—the throne room! HAROLD The throne room of the Emperor’s Palace at Goslar! ORDULF Or could be Hartzburg . . . HAROLD . . . or Worms, depending. LANDOLF Depending on where we are in the story—he keeps us on the hop. ORDULF Saxony . . . HAROLD Lombardy . . . LANDOLF The Rhine . . . ORDULF Keep your voice down. LANDOLF He’s asleep. BERTOLD Hang about. I’m confused. I thought we were doing Henry IV. LANDOLF So? BERTOLD Well, this place, these getups—it’s not him. ORDULF Who? BERTOLD The King of France, Henry IV. LANDOLF Whoops. ORDULF He thought it was the French one. LANDOLF Wrong country, mate, wrong century, wrong Henry. HAROLD It’s the German Henry IV, Salian Dynasty.
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