مؤلمة تروي حكاية اختفاء أم ومحاولة أبنائها العثور عليها. .تلفت النظر إلى غفلة البعض عن نعمة من أعظم النعم التي يعيشون في ظلها.. وهي الأم. .الكثير من الأمور بت أنظر لها بوعي أكبر وبفهم أعمق بعد قراءتي للكتاب. .الأسلوب الذي كُتبتْ به الرواية مميز، كما لو أنه ضمير المرء يحدثه ويلومه.. أحب أن أسميه أسلوب النفس اللوامة "Please Look After Mom," written by Kyung-Sook Shin, is a beautifully tragic story. It follows the children and husband of a mother who went missing in Seoul at the train station. The book was an evaluation of the family members' relationships with her, focusing on their shortcomings, regrets, and guilt. The children and the father never realize the important life force that the mother is until she is gone. With certain portions written in second person with the use of "you," the reading experiance becomes personal. This prompts the reader to evaluate their own relationships with people, stressing the significance of showing appreciation for loved ones. This book is deserving of four stars. It is a one-of-a-kind novel that touches the reader in a unique way. It was written so well, however, there were a few timeline issues (sibling ages didn't match up with the time and certain children were not mentioned when it would have aided in the overall understanding of the story). Although the plot line was so compelling, it was unbelievably sad. As someone who has a very close relationship with my mom, the book was challenging to read. It was incredibly heartbreaking to think of a mother in that situation. I would, however, recommend this book to people - it did prompt me to think about areas in my own relationships that could use improvement.
What do You think about Please Look After Mother (2008)?
flip-flopped between being great and bad for me