Ho iniziato questo libro con delle aspettative molto alte che non sono state per niente deluse! -- Mi ha emozionato tantissimo, ho pianto a più riprese, ho riso e sono rimasta completamente rapita da questa magnifica storia.Holly e Gerry sono anime gemelle, praticamente inseparabili. Holly non può vivere senza di lui, finché non è costretta a farlo. Gerry, infatti, muore a causa di un cancro terminale al cervello ed Holly, vedova a soli 29 anni, non sa cosa fare per rimettere insieme i pezzi.Questo libro è qualcosa di meraviglioso. Ecco cosa mi è piaciuto, in poche parole:- Lo stile di scrittura della Ahern è meraviglioso. Ricco, scorrevole e mai pesante. Penso che abbia inquadrato perfettamente i personaggi, la storia e gli stati d'animo e che abbia offerto a noi lettori un ritratto molto realistico del dolore, della perdita e del conseguente, ma estremamente difficile, recupero.- I personaggi sono molto relazionabili, nonostante alcuni siano un po' stereotipati. Mi è piaciuta molto l'attenzione che ha dato ad ognuno di loro e al ruolo che hanno nella vicenda e, specialmente nella vita di Holly. -- Holly e Gerry, in particolare, sono i miei preferiti. Di lei ammiro la tenacia con cui affronta le cose e il suo adorabile senso dell'umorismo. Di lui, invece, l'immenso coraggio e la maturità. - La storia d'amore tra i nostri protagonisti è qualcosa a cui tutti potremmo aspirare. Si completano le frasi l'uno con l'altra, si comprendono, si divertono insieme più che con qualsiasi altra persona al mondo. La Ahern ha ritratto l'amore dolce e giocoso che c'è tra due vere e proprie anime gemelle e, nonostante il lettore lo viva attraverso i ricordi di Holly e dei suoi amici e qualche piccola scena qua e là, è davvero intenso. -- Ho apprezzato ogni scena che li ritraeva insieme, ogni ricordo e piccolo accenno. Mi hanno commosso davvero molto.- Ho apprezzato in particolar modo l'importanza che l'autrice da alla famiglia e agli amici della protagonista. Il loro appoggio è fondamentale per Holly per superare questo momento difficile che sta vivendo, più di ogni altra cosa. Mi è piaciuto vedere le dinamiche con i suoi fratelli, i suoi genitori e i suoi migliori amici. -- Uno degli aspetti che ho amato di più è stata l'evoluzione del suo rapporto con il fratello Richard, inizialmente ostile, ma che poi sboccia in qualcosa di stupendo e che, ancora una volta, ha avuto la capacità di commuovermi ed emozionarmi.- Ho amato l'umorismo di questo libro. Cecelia Ahern mi ha regalato dei momenti veramente esilaranti che sono stati uno stacco piacevole dal dolore e dalla tristezza che provavo per altri.- (view spoiler)[ Una delle cose che ho apprezzato di più è stata la mancanza di un altro amore per Holly. Mi aspettavo che il libro si sarebbe concluso con lei e Daniel che finivano insieme; Sarebbe stata la scelta più facile, ma la Ahern ha deciso di non cadere nella banalità e cercare di scrivere un romanzo il più realistico possibile. Holly, secondo me, non era ancora pronta ad iniziare una nuova relazione, specialmente con un uomo che conosce da poco meno di un anno. Mi è piaciuto molto il valore che l'autrice ha dato alla sua protagonista, che può definirsi e, soprattutto, sopravvivere da sola anche senza un uomo. La perdita di Gerry è stata straziante e lei ha tutto il diritto di soffrire e di sentire la sua mancanza, non deve per forza trovare qualcun altro da amare per ritrovare la felicità. La felicità piò costruirsela anche da sola! (hide spoiler)]
P.S. I Love You is an unusual choice for me since it starts off with the protagonist dealing with the death of her husband. Those who have seen my book collection would note that I go for high drama and sweeping romances, stuff for romantics who are in love with love. I always get the ones that start with the heroine being taken by the hero not realizing that they have been falling in love in the process. I couldn't say what drew me to the book but I picked it up and brought it with me to the cashier.The book starts with Holley Kennedy keeping to herself a few months after the death of her husband Gerry Clarke. Holly and Gerry have been together since high school and Holly's world revolved around Gerry since then. Gerry was diagnosed with a brain tumor and rounds of medical procedures have not stopped him from succumbing to the death that it brought with it.Holly closed off to everybody, wallowing in the grief that Gerry's death brought. She had no appetite and no desire to continue with her life as it was before Gerry passed.Ahern's storytelling style had her cutting back and forth from the present to the past, illustrating the relarionship that Gerry had with Holly, her family and their circle of friends. Through these flashbacks, the readers learn that they shared a joke called "The List" which Gerry promised Holly he would write for her so that she can cope with the loss of Gerry. As Holly realized some time in the story, of all of Gerry's promises, this was the hardest for her to accept since it meant that he was gone.Turns out that Gerry did prepare a list for Holly some time between his medical procedures. He sent a package to Holly's parents' house which contained individual envelopes labeled from April to December with a letter to Holly that she open an envelope per month to do Gerry's list for her.The tasks went from buying a bedside lamp (since it was always a nightly thing for them to argue who would get out of bed to close the bedroom light) to conquering her fear of karaoke to a wonderful Spanish vacation with her closest friends, to finding her dream job. In between the tasks, Holly learned more about her family and friends as well as how life continues despite the all the loss.Ahern created compelling characters that tell about growing up, the poignancy of loss and of rediscovery. The characters are real people that they seem to jump out of the pages and at me. They are flawed and human in their reactions and in their choices.It rocked me to the core since it made me think of the what ifs. It made me realize that I have a wealth of family and friends by me. We may not always get along but we bring value and joy to each other's lives.
What do You think about P.S. I Love You (2005)?
Ide ceritanya sederhana tapi unik : bagaimana seorang suami (Gerry) yang merasa hidupnya tak akan lama lagi akibat penyakit kanker yang dideritanya, mempersiapkan sang istri (Holly) yang sangat tergantung padanya dan sangat dicintainya untuk menjalani hidup setelah kepergiannya. Diapun meninggalkan surat-surat untuk dibuka Holly setiap bulan setahun kedepan setelah kematiannya. Surat yang berisi bermacam-macam permintaan berdasarkan apa yang selama ini biasa terjadi di kehidupan mereka.Ceritanya mengharukan meski ada beberapa bagian konyol yang agak mengganggu, seperti kejadian di perayaan ulang tahun Holly yang 'ajaib'. Tapi selebihnya cerita ini bisa memberikan banyak hal buat pembacanya : tentang bagaimana seorang istri harus tetap mandiri meskipun memiliki suami yang bisa diandalkan...karena kita tak akan pernah tau kapan kan berpisah darinya, tentang persahabatan, tentang berartinya sebuah keluarga, tentang cinta, tentang sebuah pertemuan juga tentang perpisahan.Holly yang rapuh dan cengeng...seiring waktu menemukan banyak hikmah dan pelajaran dari kepergian suami..sahabat..kekasih dan belahan jiwanya : Gerry, dan juga dari kehidupan orang-orang disekitarnya.Holly yang merasa segala sesuatu dihidupnya kacau balau, namun punya kenangan indah yang membahagiakan. Yang tahu bagaimana rasanya memiliki cinta sejati, namun siap menapaki masa depannya.Novel yang mengharukan, romantis, sarat makna namun tetap 'down to earth'...indah :)
With the movie coming out, I finally decided to read the book (however, I don't intend to see the movie as it looks really bad). I wasn't sure what to expect from the book. I didn't know a whole lot about the book before reading it, other than the basic premise. In keeping in line with my love of all things Irish, I enjoyed that this book was set in Dublin. I'm surprised that that author was as young as she was when she wrote the book. I also can't help but like the fact that she's the daughter of the Irish prime minister....but that's irrelevent to the book.I thought the characters were incredibly well developed. It is every wife's nightmare to be in Holly's position but I feel like she captured as best as possible what it would be like to be her. There were so many moments where I found myself crying, which was a bit awkward because I was reading this on the train. Unlike a lot of chick lit books, the side characters were also well developed. Her friends and family were portrayed in a realistic and entertaining way. I especially loved the sibling dynamics. I did have some issues with the ending of the book but I don't think that's a bad thing. I don't believe that one has to agree with every decision an author makes in order for it to be a good book. All in all, Ms. Ahern does a great job of straddling the fine line of writing about a woman trying to get on with her life after the death of her husband.
I was really expecting a lot more from this book, being that it has been made into a movie but I was fairly disappointed. I understand that Ahern is a young writer but she really does have a LOT of work to do with her writing skills. And maybe she could pick up a thesaurus to find a substitute word for "sarcastically" as she uses it to death in this book - there's no need to state the obvious in my opinion. I suppose that I'm drawn to strong, proactive, and independent main characters and I spent a lot of time feeling like Holly was whining throughout the whole book. I know that may sound harsh considering she is dealing with the loss of her husband, and while I can't relate to dealing with something like that, I had a difficult time sympathizing with her.The ending was the most anti-climatic ending I've read in a while. Overall, I probably wouldn't recommend this book to many people and most likely won't even see the movie because of it - and who would cast Hilary Swank for Holly's character in the first place??