Target Acquired In case you were wondering, the real world kind of sucks, my screen read that night. Rekrap had just sent me a private message while I was leveling my character on my own. Naturally, the entire guild (all five of us), were online, even though we weren’t raiding together. Oh really? And why is that? I responded, ready for another funny Rekrap story. He had such an odd view of the world that it was always interesting to hear his account of his day-to-day life. The boy could make a TV show about his existence and it would be quirkier and probably funnier than The Big Bang Theory. That was saying something. I finally got the stupid house unpacked and went out to grab lunch and these crazy cheerleaders accosted me, he typed. I stared at the screen for a moment, unsure of exactly what I should say to that. Of course, the thought had crossed my mind that the boy from the café might have been Parker.