ROOMER WAS SUSPICIOUS OF STRANGER O’BOYLE CALLED POLICE WHEN ACTIONS OF MULTIPLE SLAYER CAUSED HIM ALARM O’BOYLE, IN HIS AMAZING LETTER, GIVES DETAILS OF THE STRANGE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE PARK RIDGE WIDOW AND HER CHILDREN; OF THE INVESTIGATION HE PERSONALLY MADE THAT LED TO THE ARREST OF POWERS BY THE PARK RIDGE POLICE; AND OF THE RELEASE OF THE MASS SLAYER BY THE POLICE IN THE ILLINOIS CITY. IT IS TOUCHING AND PATHETIC IN ITS DETAILS. —Special to The Clarksburg Telegram, September 5, 1931 A Chicago man . . . has volunteered to supply the state of West Virginia with a rope with which to hang Harry F. Powers (alias Cornelius Pierson), mass slayer. He is Charles O’Boyle, former roomer in the Eicher home. . . . He writes: “Herewith is my statement of my connection with the ‘Bluebeard’ Powers case . . . “Five or six years ago I came to Park Ridge as a foreman for the J. H. Dunnegan Company . . . I had difficulty in locating a place to room. . . . My own home having been broken up by the death of my mother, Mrs.