We don’t kiss again, but he grabs my hand on the way out. “I’ll call you.”I nod. It’s still raining off and on, and I duck my head against the wet and dive into my car, which seems extra rickety after riding in his. I turn on the engine to get the car warm, and take a second to check my voice messages and texts. There are five texts and two voice mails, and all of them are from Rick.As usual, he’s full of apologies and sorrow. A pinch hurts my heart, but I’m not going to get back with him this time. It’s been two years of drama. Two years. I’m not going to even call him back, because he’ll just argue and cajole and try to convince me how much he loves me.Which, weirdly, is true. He’s in love with me, way more than I am with him. Even with all those girls trying to flirt with him and take him home whenever the band plays, he’s been solidly in love with me since that first night at the party. It makes me feel bad in a way, and I take the time to laboriously text him.
What do You think about Random (Going The Distance)?