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Ravage Me (2000)

Online Book

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Ravage Me (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

I may have a p*$$y, but I ain't one...Well, I guess she set us straight right out of the gate with that statement, huh? Harlow, aka Princess, is definitely a bada$$ biker chick. I have read conflicting reviews regarding this book and have determined it's mostly a matter of taste and what we like to see in our female leads. Of course everyone loves Cruz, how could they resist the sexy alpha muscled tattooed biker who knew what he wanted and didn't let anyone stand in his way, even her. I must say there were some things that turned me off about Harlow, but at the same time I kinda understood why she felt the need to go over-the-top to prove herself. Having been raised in the MC as a daughter of a member she was accepted as family and protected, but she knew she could never be an equal as a female. She could learn to fight and shoot and cuss like a sailor, but she could never patch in as a member. She could never be included when 'club business' was handled or discussed. She could never have sex with a member without being considered a whore. She might be respected and accepted by the members and the ol' ladies, but she wasn't one of them, not really. Though they called her Princess out of respect, she hated the name because it made her feel weak. After spending 2 years in prison for a crime she didn't commit, she is finally free and back at the MC. She is barely inside the gates of the compound when she meets Cruz for the first time. He had been patched in while she was on prison. He knew about her, but she didn't know about him. Of course she is immediately attracted to him, and of course he looks extra good since she has been deprived for 2 years. But, her rule of no sex with a brother keeps her from acting on her attraction. Well, all I can say is good luck with that...let's see how long you can hold out when that hotness is in hot pursuit. Get ready for some dirty-talking that leaves no room for misunderstanding what's on Cruz's mind and where he expects their relationship to go. Get ready for some madness, mayhem, and blood shed. I am hooked and will definitely be moving on to the next book in the series. I've got my eye on G.T. and Casey and doubt that my kindle will be cooling off anytime soon. Keep 'em coming Ryan Michele, you have a new Ravage MC fan. I've never read this author before. It's a first time. I love her style of writing. The story itself dragged me in and I couldn't put it down. Yes it did kinda remind me of soa but who cares. I love this book. The chemistry between the two was amazing. I loved how bossy he was. Telling her what to do, what was going to happen, not leaving her alone. Then her being the tough chick but melts with him. I loved it.

What do You think about Ravage Me (2000)?

There is no way I could ever hope to finish this book.

I really like this series so far.

3.5 Stars

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