An outraged Rooney brought his cane down on the front desk of the Raven’s Hollow Police Station and made the deputy jump. Eli merely raised an eyebrow. “That old buzzard beat the crap out of me in under three hours without a drop of alcohol in his system.” “Probably smokes funny cigarettes instead.” Rapping his cane on the floor now, Rooney raised his voice. “Where’s the damn dog, Ty? My former grandson here says he’s a winner. He’s gonna get Brady to give him a once-over. Then he’s going to fetch Sadie from the Chronicle. I want her down at Joe’s bar to cover the fights.” Ty came in with a brown and white bulldog on a leash. “I hope we’re talking televised fights.” “Nope, live action. Cove versus Hollow. And no, I’m not naming names, because you always take it upon your chiefly self to lecture the participants until their morale is lower than Chopper’s jowls.”