Kayden and I had spent a few hours together in a cell. He comforted me the entire time, and made sure I was taken care of. He would ask the female officer who brought me in for water, and to let me make a phone call for my dad to pick me up. I had cried when I called my father…he was livid when he came to pick me up and it only got worse. In the car ride back home when I took off my coat in the hot car, I had accidentally revealed the compass tattoo on the back of my neck, which was still covered in plastic. Needless to say, I was grounded the second I got into the house, about a week into winter break and I was already in trouble. We had barely started my transformation, I was already grounded and barely recognized myself when I looked in the mirror. I actually really liked the blue hair, it seemed to be more like me, even though I missed my blonde hair. I liked that I had dressed a little differently too because I was expressing myself instead of hiding under my clothes.