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Read Reconciled For Easter

Reconciled for Easter

Online Book

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CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform

Reconciled For Easter - Plot & Excerpts

She’d wanted it to be a family occasion, so they were all going to Willow Park church.
    She was seriously thinking about starting to go there all the time, since it was a better fit for her as a church, and Thomas’s attendance was no longer an obstacle.
    At the moment, she was listening to the conversation in the dining room, where Thomas and Mia were playing Thomas’s old board game of Operation, which he’d dug out of his attic earlier that week.
    They were both utterly serious about each move they made, and Abigail had a few private giggles as she listened.
    “Oh, no,” Mia said, after several seconds of silence and then a familiar buzzing sound. “I messed up.”
    “That’s okay. It takes a lot of practice to keep your hand really still.”
    “Did you practice a lot when you were a kid? Did you and Aunt Lydia play?”
    “I played a lot, but Aunt Lydia didn’t really like it.

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