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Read Rekindle The Flame (2015)

Rekindle the Flame (2015)

Online Book

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Rekindle The Flame (2015) - Plot & Excerpts

Sort of morbid, Darcy admitted as she quickly navigated the slick floors of the lavish care facility, where her grandmother was camping out while she recovered from her stroke. The old girl was richer than God and could have afforded around-the-clock care at the mansion, but the docs had recommended she spend her rehab here. Something about socializing her way back into regular life.
    Lord help the other residents, was Darcy’s answer to that.
    Darcy entered her grandmother’s room without knocking. “Hey, Grams, how’s it hangin’?”
    Eleanor Cochrane’s regal gaze landed with a thud on Darcy’s bustier-molded cleavage.
    “You trying to catch a cold or a man in that outfit?”
    “Oh, a man. Most definitely a man.”
    She’d gone leather today from the waist down, and maybe it was too sexy for her grandmother, but it sure as hell wasn’t for Beck Rivera.

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